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Launch Thunderbird minimized at the Ubuntu startup

If you want that you preffered email client, Thunderbird, to be launched at Ubuntu startup, it's simple.
But what if you want that Thunderbird instance to be also minimized? There is not an easy or direct way to do that, at least not a native Thunderbird startup using switches, neither native plugins.

But if still want the minimized Thunderbird at the system startup, look no more, you can accomplish that in few lines of code. The hard work is already done.
The solution provided is based on a simple yet effective python script that send the "minimize" command to an open window.

How to run a minimized instance of Thunderbird at the Ubuntu startup

Download the python script, hard link it to /usr/local/bin, make it executable and add two entries to the Startup Applications.
sudo apt install wmctrl xdotool
cd ~ && wget
sudo ln /usr/local/bin/minimize_me && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/minimize_me
Pop!OS Startup Applications
Launch the Startup Applications applet and add the following entries:
Name: Thunderbird
Command: thunderbird
Name: Thunderbird minimized
Command: minimize_me thunderbird
the second command is the above python script launched with parameter "thunderbird", meaning: "minimize the window associated with application named thunderbird"
that's it, reboot the computer and you will see the magic

Many thanks to:
Jacob Vlijm from for the python script and to #ubuntu and #ubuntu-ro comunity for guidance.


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