But if you want a perfectly cut, hight quality ringtone for your favourite artist or top hits, you may have to do a better dig. This searching time may be used (less than a minute) to create your own perfectly cut, hight quality ringtone, right from your Android phone.
Why Shazam? Because it provides a hight quality, perfectly cut songs preview for music all over the world.
While Shazam is the perfeclty source for our ringtone, we just need a way to transform this song previews into ringtones.
And the workflow is:
1. record the android screen while our song preview it's running, using Mobizen, set to record the sound directly from the phone (internal sound) *).
2. extract the audio part from the newly created video file, using Ffmpeg Media Encoder, set to use an encoding profile template that have the only purpose to extract the audio part. **)
*) when we start Mobizen, a red ball will overlay the screen in the right part; by clicking it we have options to start/stop a screen recording or to access the settings from where we can choose what sound should be recorded, internal or external (microfone); to close Mobizen, long press the red ball and drag it to the bottom of the screen
**) the encoding profile is "-vn -acodec copy" without the quotes, uses the .aac format for output and can be saved for later use (press the + sign and give it a name, something like Audio extract or Ringtone maker)
Enjoy and impress your friends with your own ringtone!